Friday, 23 January 2015

Back with a Bite

So it would turn out that I haven't posted anything on here for well over a year. 

The past 12 months I have been to 3 tournaments and placed amazingly in the bottom third. (It takes skill to be that bad.) met some amazing people, learnt some new skills with playing and modelling and have realized which game system is for me.

I have attempted to play 40k with much excitement then realizing its not really for me. The back story is amazing. The whole father and son one ups man ship and aliens coming to chomp on whats left. The range has changed so much in 12 months and so has the meta. I don't know why but I feel that with the change in the meta and the surrounding players I am not suited for 40k and what it has to offer.

On the other hand WFB is where it is at for me. 

  • Models. Check
  • Story. Check
  • Diversity of models. Check
  • Tournament Scene. Check
There are so many things at this moment in time that are drawing me towards fantasy. the models are so pretty, current model ranges that are coming out and are up and coming are mouth watering.

The End Times seems to be a bit like marmite. You either love it or hate. not having played a game of WFB with the end times rules I can't comment but wit Twitter exploding and the models that are coming out its hard not to have an opinion on it.

Who would of thought that Nagash would be raising his skeletal head once more. Who would of foreseen all these major characters being caught with their trousers down and dragged to the realm of chaos. It has blown WFB wide open. 

I am just wanting to know what is being done with Ogres,Dwarfs,Orcs,Goblins and the Brets. Will the Brets join the empire and kick ass with cannons and horses. Will the Ogres join the army that bids the most or can offer the tastiest treat. Orcs and Goblins will surely back-stab everyone and paint everything green and shout WAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Hopefully in the upcoming weeks and months we shall know what is going on which side to back.

Next Week I will show you what I have been working on.

Thanks for reading.
Mr Grind

Twitter: @thehobbygrind

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