Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The Ogres March Forward

Hey guys Grind here.

This week has been a slow but yet productive week. I was playing around with the idea of making leadbelchers without the ogre. Sounds pretty dumb I know but worth a shot right?

As you can see something a little different to a chubby man standing with his cannon out. Doing my leadbelchers this way is good for two reasons.

  1. Makes my army look pretty special
  2. I use less ogres meaning I can use them on other things like bulls, iron guts and man-eaters.
I hope to take 2 units of 3 as I know there not majorly powerful but who doesn't want  3d6 St4 AP shots? It if hits it's gonna hurt.

Working on these chaps was a lot of fun. Unfortunately skaven were hurt during the process as i need the plague mortars. However in my eyes it was worth doing.

Whilst I was looking at my noblar belchers. I saw a piece from another kit that looked like it needed using just wasn't sure in what model and how. It turned out the piece fitted really well into a unit of bulls I have been working on. So I now have a unit standard for the unit.

I contemplating using this guy as a slaughter-master or a butcher (but calling him a shaman on beasts). However with this he just doesn't stand out enough as a character but looks pretty good for a standard. So this guy is the new standard for the bulls.

So this week I have managed to build 2 leadbelchers and unit standard. I have started to paint the unit standard but he can wait till next week.

Moving onward. Tonight I have a game of WFB. I will be trying to teach some pearls of wisdom to a newcomer. So I will be taking High Elves no end time jazz just a basic 1500pts game. Nothing too filthy as this will the guys 3rd game. Also going back to playing 1500pts is a nice change of pace rather than playing 2400pts of tournament filth that you can find.

I will let you guys know what the outcome was hopefully the Elves will come back unscathed against the brute strength of the Ogres, but knowing my luck and the amount of times I have spent on the bottom tables of tournaments I will get smashed and the game will be over by turn 3.

Next time will check out the new necrons as they are the only 40k army I actually understand and hopefully get some feedback from other players.

Cheers Guys
Mr Grind

Twitter: @thehobbygrind.

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